object.d and hash_t confusion?

James Pelcis jpelcis at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 14:20:07 PDT 2006

kris wrote:
> Notice that the toHash() method returns a uint? Is that supposed to be 
> hash_t instead?
Yes.  In the internal\object.d file, it is hash_t.  This is now Bugzilla 

> 1) because an alias is used, type-safety does not come into play. Thus, 
> when someone overrides Object.toHash like so:
> ------------
> override uint toHash() {...}
> ------------
> a 32bit compiler will be unlikely to complain (remember, hash_t is an 
> alias).
The compiler would be right, too.  It is the same type (for 32 bits).

> When this code is compiled in 64bit land, luckily, the compiler will 
> probably complain about the uint/ulong mismatch. However, because the 
> keyword "override" is not mandatory, most programmers will do this 
> instead (in an class):
> -----------
> uint toHash() {....}
> -----------
> the result will perhaps be a good compile but a bogus override? Or will 
> the compiler flag this as not being covariant? Either way, shouldn't 
> this be handled in a more suitable manner?
This is a programmer error, not a language error.  Fortunately, it would 
be marked as not being covariant.

> I suppose one way to ensure consistency is to use a typedef instead of 
> an alias ... but will that cause errors when the result is used in an 
> arithmetic expression? In this situation, is typedef too type-safe and 
> alias not sufficient?
If a typedef was used, hash_t could still be used in expressions, but 
the result would need to be casted to go back to hash_t.

> 2) It's generally not a great idea to change the signature/types of 
> overridable methods when moving platforms. You have to ensure there's 
> absolute consistency in the types used, otherwise the vaguely brittle 
> nature of the override mechanism can be tripped.
> So the question here is "why does toHash() need to change across 
> platforms?". Isn't 32bits sufficient?
toHash definitely needs to change across platforms.  Here's the current 

# hash_t toHash()
#    {
#	// BUG: this prevents a compacting GC from working, needs to be fixed
#	return cast(uint)cast(void *)this;
#    }

Ignoring the fact that the function won't currently work on 64-bit 
either (since it is marked as having a bug, although for a different 
reason), the result needs to be big enough to return a pointer.  32-bits 
won't always do that.

> If the answer to that indicates a 64bit value being more applicable 
> (even for avoiding type-conversion warnings), then it would seem to 
> indicate a new integral-type is required? One that has type-safety (a la 
> typedef) but can be used in arithmetic expression without warnings or 
> errors? This new type would be equivalent to size_t vis-a-vis byte size.
On some platforms and at some time, even 64-bits won't be enough to 
handle toHash.

> I know D is supposed to have fixed-size basic integer types across 
> platforms, and for good reason. Yet here's a situation where, it *seems* 
> that the most fundamental class in the runtime is perhaps flaunting 
> that? Perhaps there's a few other corners where similar concerns may 
> crop up?
> I will note a vague distaste for the gazilion C++ style meta-types 
> anyway; D does the right thing in making almost all of them entirely 
> redundant. But, if there is indeed a problem with toHash(), then I 
> suspect we need a more robust solution. What say you?
Since the only non-bug problem I noticed here was a programmer error 
(using uint instead of hash_t), why should it be changed?

If a change does need to be made though, the alias could be changed into 
a typedef.  That would check for the problem regardless of the platform.

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