Thoughts about modules

Derek Parnell derek at
Thu Jun 29 17:25:53 PDT 2006

On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 14:45:23 -0700, Kirk McDonald wrote:

> Derek Parnell wrote:
>> Why is FQN syntax demonstrable better than the current shortcut syntax?

> ...
> By making it mandatory, we can 
> always know where any name comes from, whether they are being 
> fully-qualified, or imported on their own.
> Now, for something like writefln, which is a well-known name that 
> everyone will recognize instantly, this is a bit of a burden. You'd have 
> to type it a whole extra time at the top of the file! 

So to summarize ...

Mandatory fully qualified names makes it simple for a code reader to know
in which module a member is located. But because that could be a burden to
the code writer, the alias (or something similar) can be used to 'register'
the FQN once in the code and allows the writer to use a short form of the

Anyhow, I tried this coding style on Build just now and ended up with

import source;          // Source File class
alias source.ActivateVersion    ActivateVersion;
alias source.ActivateDebug      ActivateDebug;
alias source.SetKnownVersions   SetKnownVersions;

import util.str;        // non-standard string routines.
alias util.str.SetEnv           SetEnv;
alias util.str.GetEnv           GetEnv;
alias util.str.Expand           Expand;
alias util.str.ExpandEnvVar     ExpandEnvVar;
alias util.str.ends             ends;
alias util.str.begins           begins;
alias util.str.enquote          enquote;
alias util.str.strip            ustrip;
alias util.str.stripr           ustripr;
alias util.str.IsLike           IsLike;
alias util.str.YesNo            YesNo;
alias util.str.TranslateEscapes TranslateEscapes;

import util.fdt;        // File Date-Time class
alias util.fdt.GetFileTime      GetFileTime;

import util.pathex;     // Extended Path routines.
alias util.pathex.GetBaseName   GetBaseName;
alias util.pathex.MakePath      MakePath;
alias util.pathex.CanonicalPath CanonicalPath;
alias util.pathex.AbbreviateFileName AbbreviateFileName;
alias util.pathex.LocateFile    LocateFile;
alias util.pathex.IsRelativePath IsRelativePath;
alias util.pathex.FindFileInPathList FindFileInPathList;
alias util.pathex.GetInitCurDir GetInitCurDir;

import util.fileex;     // Extended File routines.
alias util.fileex.CreateTextFile CreateTextFile;
alias util.fileex.FindInFile    FindInFile;
alias util.fileex.GetTextLines  GetTextLines;
alias util.fileex.GetOpt        GetOpt;

import util.file2;
alias util.file2.FileExists     FileExists;

import util.macro;      // Macro processing routines.
alias util.macro.ConvertFile    ConvertFile;

import util.booltype;   // definition of True and False
alias util.booltype.True        True;
alias util.booltype.False       False;

import std.utf;
alias std.utf.toUTF32           toUTF32;

import std.file;
alias std.file.remove           remove;
alias std.file.write            write;

import std.regexp;
alias         search;
alias std.regexp.find           refind;

import std.path;
alias std.path.sep              sep;
alias std.path.linesep          linesep;
alias std.path.getDirName       getDirName;
alias std.path.getExt           getExt;
alias std.path.addExt           addExt;
alias std.path.getName          getName;
alias std.path.getBaseName      getBaseName;

import std.stdio;
alias std.stdio.writefln        writefln;

import std.string;
alias std.string.find           find;
alias std.string.rfind          rfind;
alias std.string.format         format;
alias std.string.replace        replace;
alias std.string.split          split;
alias std.string.tolower        tolower;
alias std.string.strip          strip;

    alias GetVersion;

I had to disambiguate std.string.find and std.regex.find, plus a couple of
others, but no big drama.

(skype: derek.j.parnell)
Melbourne, Australia
"Down with mediocrity!"
30/06/2006 9:26:58 AM

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