why and how D can solve the next software crisis (was Re: Negative)

ianc ianc_member at pathlink.com
Fri Mar 3 01:25:31 PST 2006

Kevin, I think your analysis is totally correct.
Future 1 and 2 are both possibilitites. 
But for anything to happen (as has i think been discussed prev):
- D v1.0 with decent standard libs needs to be reached.
- D frontend standard with gcc install with dmd the optimised commercial option.

A while back on Slashdot there was a discussion about what language the gnome
framework, desktop and apps should be written in. C was felt to be too low, C++
too tricky, python was a scripting language, mono and java were vm based and
tied to ms/sun.

Walter - or someone using his name - suggested D. D would be perfect for this.
Imagine a desktop stack build in D...ahhh. But i can't see it happening.
(Actually, C# on gcc would be good i.e c# as a compiled language. c# syntax and
semantics are pretty good. I think someone may have had a go at this but it
didn't progress).

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