Dstress summary suggestion

Thomas Kuehne thomas-dloop at kuehne.cn
Thu Mar 9 10:27:35 PST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Don Clugston schrieb am 2006-03-08:
> It would be nice if, in the summary page, the 'hotspots' listing 
> indicated whether the failures are independent of the command-line 
> options, or specific to some of them (ie, only show up in 'torture' 
> test). In the boxes where it says "XPASS", "FAIL", etc, it could display 
> "XPASS+", "FAIL+", "ERROR+" instead, if there were some command-line 
> options where it passed.
> Most cases with a + are likely to be Linux-specific, so this would make 
> dstress more indicative for Windows DMD.

If you are interrested in Windows, how about running DStress on Windows?
Doing so shouln't be difficult for the vast majority of test cases.
(exception: those in http://dstress.kuehne.cn/complex)

1) install a Subversion client

2) checkout http://dstress.kuehne.cn with Subversion

3) compile dstress.c (might require some adaptation for Windows)

4) for all files in "compile" that don't contain ".svn" in the path:
.\dstress torture-compile compile/<source> 2>> log.txt >>&2

5) for all files in "run" that don't contain ".svn" in the path:
.\dstress torture-run run/<source> 2>> log.txt >>&2

6) for all files in "nocompile" that don't contain ".svn" in the path:
.\dstress torture-nocompile nocompile/<source> 2>> log.txt >>&2

7) for all files in "norun" that don't contain ".svn" in the path:
.\dstress torture-norun nocompile/<source> 2>> log.txt >>&2

8) please send me the compressed log.txt, so that I can put the results

Step 4 to 7 will result in several hours hard work for you CPU.
The compressed log file should be about 1.1M for DMD-0.149.

> You could even split the them up that way in the summary, this would 
> show that the big change between dmd 0.144 and 0.145 was that most of 
> ERROR+ became PASS, whereas ERROR probably didn't change much. This 
> would make comparisons between gdc and dmd more precise.

I've got some ideas how to improve the summary generation, but haven't
got enough time to implement them.




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