Windows woes

pragma pragma_member at
Wed Mar 29 09:13:01 PST 2006

In article <e0e94k$41o$1 at>, Lars Ivar Igesund says...
>pragma wrote:
>> Also, linux is not without its warts too.  I'm having a hell of a time
>> trying to get it to support Nforce3 from a floppy install - AFAIK, it
>> can't be done w/o some serious hacking or using a CD instead.
>> - EricAnderton at yahoo
>That is more of a case of nVidia sending out cease and desist orders to
>those trying to create open drivers. Instead you have to use their binary
>blob that's usually less stable (and definately harder to debug for the

Ahh, hence why the "forcedeth" for Nforce3 (the netboot driver disk has it for
Nforce2) seems strangely absent from things.  And I thought they simply turned
their heads while it was being developed? 

I tried mucking around with that download, but it looked like it wanted to build
a new kernel, rather than just spit out a module to use.  I found that quite

- EricAnderton at yahoo

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