Windows woes

Wang Zhen nehzgnaw at
Fri Mar 31 18:58:35 PST 2006

Kevin Bealer wrote:
> In article <e0jqoa$20i$1 at>, Walter Bright says...
>>Dave wrote:
>>>In article <e0io88$22jc$2 at>, Walter Bright says...
>>>>Walter Bright wrote:
>>>>>At this point, it was apparent that tech support had no idea why this was 
>>>>>happening, and I was beginning to worry there was either a rootkit 
>>>>>installed, or there was just creeping corruption going on. I gave up on 
>>>>>Microsoft tech support, and decided to reinstall Windows.
>>>>Turns out, I did have a trojan rootkit on my system. arrgh!
>>>Any idea how that happened / made it onto your system? (it has me worried that
>>>virus scanning didn't pick it up).
>>I have no idea how it got on. Being a trojan, I must have run something. 
>>I'm usually very careful about not running anything I am not sure of, 
>>careful enough that this is the first virus/trojan I've had in 10 years.
>>I'm almost to the point of using a separate sacrificial machine for web 
> Apologies if you already explained and I missed it - how did you test for a
> rootkit / vm?
> Kevin

I don't know how Walter detected the rootkit on his machine, but I would 
recommend SysInternals' excellent freeware RootKitRevealer, available at

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