Image format libraries, raytracers and stuff

Kyle Furlong kylefurlong at
Tue May 2 14:55:05 PDT 2006

Stewart Gordon wrote:
> I know that there's been some discussion in the past about image format 
> libraries.  A quick google reveals this
> which points me to DevIL (fka OpenIL), its D bindings, and Andrew 
> Fedoniouk's effort, but they've since disappeared.
> So, is there an image library with a decent D interface out there at the 
> moment?
> Also, I've noticed that one or two people have had a go at writing a 
> raytracing engine in D
> but again, the code's disappeared AFAICS.  I've started playing with the 
> idea of writing one myself.  My effort goes by the name D3 (basically a 
> play on D and 3D) at the moment.  I'm writing it as a library, but 
> haven't decided if it'll eventually grow into a code interpreter like 
> Rayshade or POV-Ray.
> But any graphics rendering engine could do with a hook-up to an image 
> format library.  (Probably as one of a few options for how the image 
> will be output, with other possibilities including Windows GDI bitmaps 
> and raw data in memory.)  But what library, if any, would be a good choice?
> Stewart.

Terra has bindings to DevIL. I think Trevor put them in the Fusion tree.

Kyle Furlong // Physics Undergrad, UCSB

"D is going wherever the D community wants it to go." - Walter Bright

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