protection for superclass

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Sun May 7 08:49:05 PDT 2006

"Brad Roberts" <braddr at> wrote in message 
news:Pine.LNX.4.64.0605062143380.2422 at
> Actually, it is documented:
> Read the secton 'Protection Attribute'.

No, no, I knew about that.  I mean that you can specify a protection 
attribute for a base class.  Look at the "Classes" spec, you'll notice it's 
in the syntax, but it's never mentioned in the docs.  And I really didn't 
expect it to do anything.  Maybe this weird behavior is why Walter never 
really fleshed it out, or had to abandon the idea (since privately importing 
Object is a bad thing).  It's probably just a vestige. 

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