Logo sketches for D

John Reimer terminal.node at gmail.com
Mon May 8 12:25:32 PDT 2006

Bruno Medeiros wrote:
> Anders F Björklund wrote:
>> Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>>> If you meant the first ("Java is also strongly associated with Sun"), 
>>> actually I kinda meant the Java main site (java.sun.com)
>> Yeah, but they also have www.java.com in addition to that ?
>> --anders
> They still have the text "Sun Microsystems" under the java logos, plus 
> one on the footer. And that's a page for non-developer users.

We're talking very different approaches to marketing.  Sun did this 
because they could (and still can now that they have momentum).  They 
had lots of marketing dollars behind them to push Java through all 
barriers. Yet I believe there always was some annoyance to the fact that 
Java had so much control of the language.

Walter doesn't have this option. Like other languages that have been 
popularized from such meager beginnings, it is better, I think, to make 
the proprietary connection a little less apparent so people don't 
disregard it as just another proprietary language.  In this case, Walter 
has no mass of funds to market his language in spite of such bias.

I believe many people don't like seeing languages which appear to be 
controlled by a single company (I don't; I've made D an exception 
because despite initial appearances it is fairly open). Microsoft can 
push C# effectively because it's presence is extensive, it's software is 
ubiquitous, and it's funds are practically unlimited. The same goes for 
Java to some extent.

The more I see the digitalmars.com site, the more I realize this: the D 
language link is embedded within a commercial site with very little 
public face to show apart from it.  I think the discussion in the other 
thread is attempting to fix this problem, and I think that is great news!


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