Executable Size

Niko Korhonen niktheblak at hotmail.com
Wed May 17 23:53:51 PDT 2006

Gambler wrote:
> I just compiled my firts D program. It is the word count program from some
> exapme on this website. Executable is 80kb. WC program in C is 20kb. My question
> is, is such situation common with D? Or is it just std.file library?

Oh please. When I compile a C++ program with GCC the executable size is 
at least several hundred kilobytes. When I compile a Haskell program, 
it's at least one megabyte and more if I use any external libraries. In 
a Scala program I need to distribute 1.5 MB runtime library along the 
few-kilobyte application. In F# programs I need to distribute 4 MB of 
runtime libraries and instruct the client to install those into their GAC.

So I think D fares /very/ well in this regard.

Niko Korhonen
SW Developer

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