What's the encoding of the error message?

James Pelcis jpelcis at gmail.com
Sat May 20 09:55:24 PDT 2006

The character encoding is UTF8 for sure, but what the characters are is
a different story.

std.file will append the error message returned by Windows.  What
language is Windows set to use?

sailormoontw wrote:
> This code: ( Note, aaa.test is not existed )
> private import std.file;
> void main()
> {
> read("aaa.test");
> }
> with the following error message:
> F:\d\hdk>dmd test1.d
> C:\Dmd\Bin\..\..\dm\bin\link.exe test1,,,user32釪巶ﹺ;
> F:\d\hdk>test1
> Error: aaa.test: ￧ᄈᄏ￧ᄉᄆ?ᄒ¦??ᄚ₩?¥ᆴレ￧?₩ᆰヤ₩???
> I cannot read the error message at all...I think it should be English..but why
> it shows wierd characters??
> Thanks..^_^

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