Static foreach.

Russ Lewis spamhole-2001-07-16 at
Mon Nov 6 16:55:36 PST 2006

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
> void print(T...)(T args)
> {
>     foreach(arg; args)
>         writef(arg);
>     writefln();
> }

This looks to me like a good way to do reflection.  Imagine that each 
variable had a property called "members" which returned the tuple of all 
of the members.  Then dumping all of the members of a struct would be as 
simple as:

   foreach(member; this.members)

Of course, if tuples were extended to include a "name" field, which was 
the name that was used to access the field, then we'd have everything:

   foreach(member; this.members)
     writefln(," ",member);

Of course, if we can do this, then we can do almost everything needed 
for reflection (especially if we are able to take the address of one 
element of a tuple, and that works out being the pointer to the member 
in the struct).

Tuples aren't there yet, but they're close.

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