Iterators for D

Kirk McDonald kirklin.mcdonald at
Mon Nov 6 17:20:56 PST 2006

Walter Bright wrote:
> Kirk McDonald wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Overloading * doesn't work with D. But, instead:
>> What are the arguments against that, again?
> Because D has many cases of implicit dereferencing, I thought it would 
> cause more trouble than it's worth.
>> I do not recall, and it's worth at least reviewing why we don't have 
>> opDeref and opDerefAssign.
>> As you know, Walter, a major benefit of C++-style iterators is that 
>> they are semantically as close as possible to pointers. Would [] be 
>> changed to dereference pointers?
> You've always been able to:
>     int* p;
>     p[1] = ...

Wouldn't that be p[0] = ...?

Is that how you intend to use opIndex to "dereference" the iterator? 
That's /terrifying/. Although it is consistent with pointers, using [0] 
for everything is just asking for trouble with regards to 
non-random-access iterators. And though it's probably not totally 
meaningless to a random reader of the code, it comes pretty darned close.

>> I sure hope not. If we go this route, I would suggest adding these 
>> unary-* overloads.
>>> Overload opIndex for rvalue access
>>> Overload opIndexAssign for lvalue access
>> I think you mean opSlice and opSliceAssign.
> No, I meant Index.
>>> Overloading opIndex also will work for random access
>>> foreach loops will not be able to have a 'key' parameter.
>> So, I would assume these iterators would work something like this:
>> If a class provides .begin and .end, and these both return the same 
>> type, and that type provides the requisite iterator methods, it is 
>> foreach-able.
> Yes, though they will return a value, not a type.

s/these both return the same type/their return types are the same/

>> If a class provides .begin, .end, and opApply, one of the two 
>> iteration methods has to take precedence. I would hope it's opApply.
> I was leaning towards the other way around.

It is slightly easier and clearer to explicitly say:

foreach(e; t.begin) { }


foreach(e; &t.opApply) { }

opApply is an operator overload. .begin would just be a special method. 
I would expect the operator to take precedence.

>> For a type T, its associated iterator type should be available via 
>> T.iterator. This has to be standard.
> It's not needed, as typeof(T.begin) will do it.

Due to the way in which D's type inference from properties works, you'll 
need typeof(T.begin()). Otherwise, it will derive the type of the method 
itself. (Which isn't even a valid type, as such.)

>> An iterable type T MUST provide these methods:
>> I begin()
>> I end()
> Yes.
>> An iterator type I MUST provide the following overloads:
>> E opSlice()
> No. opIndex()

I'm referring specifically to the no-index form of opSlice (meaning i[] 
would "dereference" the iterator). (A no-index opIndex doesn't work.) 
This of course is inconsistent with pointers, so saying i[0] is better 
on that count.

>> I opPostInc()
> Probably opAddAssign()

Oh, there's another one:

int opEquals(I)

>> E is the type of an element in the collection.
>> These are enough to describe a read-only forward iterator, which is 
>> adequate for foreach. In other words, given a type T that meets the 
>> requirements outlined above, the following is adequate to iterate 
>> through it:
>> foreach(e; t) {
>>     // ...
>> }
>> 'e' would be of type E.
> Yes.
>> We run into a curious problem involving pre-increment, which uses 
>> opAddAssign. Classes for which random-access is problematic should not 
>> be required to provide this, which is essentially a random-access 
>> method. There are two options here:
>> 1) Only require that iterators support opPostInc. (This further 
>> removes them from actual pointers.)
>> 2) Introduce a convention whereby a non-random-access iterator throws 
>> an exception if any value other than 1 is passed to its opAddAssign 
>> overload.
> I could go either way with that.

Neither one is particularly elegant.

>> Extending these rules for bidirectional iterators and random-access 
>> iterators, as well as read-write iterators, is left as an exercise to 
>> the reader. (And not a very difficult one.)
>> All of these strange edge-cases and differences between pointers and 
>> possible iterator types convince me that C++-STYLE ITERATORS ARE NOT 
>> FOR D. D, unlike C++, does not supply enough operator overloads for 
>> their semantics to be identical to those of pointers, which was the 
>> whole point of C++-style iterators in the first place.
> I think it does provide enough, in fact, it will be less wacky than in 
> C++ (look at the wretched iterator/const_iterator dichotomy). It'll work 
> with core arrays, and will not need those typedefs.

Without the ability to overload the dereference operator, any attempt to 
write a class that behaves like a pointer in D will be unwieldy, or at 
least ugly. Admittedly, this isn't much of an issue when just using 
foreach, but might be an issue with any kind of STL-like algorithms 
library. (Which is what you're inviting when using C++'s iterator 

>> Instead, we should look to other languages for inspiration. I suggest 
>> Java and Python, whose iterator semantics are similar. Other posters 
>> have already made suggestions on this front. I would only suggest the 
>> "opIter" method for getting an iterator, and that the iterator class 
>> itself be available via T.iterator (whether it is a nested class or an 
>> alias shouldn't matter). Classes can provide methods for returning 
>> alternate iterators, as well. (A class providing opIter should be 
>> iterated over as easily as an iterator itself.)

Kirk McDonald
Pyd: Wrapping Python with D

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