auto storage class - infer or RAII?

Carlos Santander csantander619 at
Sat Nov 11 10:57:49 PST 2006

Walter Bright escribió:
> The auto storage class currently is a little fuzzy in meaning, it can 
> mean "infer the type" and/or "destruct at end of scope". The latter only 
> has meaning for class objects, so let's look at the syntax. There are 4 
> cases:
> class Class { }
> 1) auto c = new Class();
> 2) auto Class c = new Class();
> 3) auto c = some_expression();
> 4) auto Class c = some_expression();
> The ambiguity can be resolved by saying that if auto is used for type 
> inference, i.e. cases (1) and (3), then it does not mean RAII. If it is 
> not used for type inference, i.e. cases (2) and (4), then it does mean 
> In the future, I'd like the following to work:
> 5) auto c = Class();
> which would mean type inference *and* RAII.

Since this has been talked a lot already, I'll only say: auto for RAII, and 
something else (eg: var) for type inference.

Carlos Santander Bernal

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