[Performance] Why D's std.string.atoi is 4x slower than std.c.stdlib.atoi?

Andrey Khropov andrey.khropov at gmail.com
Sat Nov 11 12:24:29 PST 2006

Consider the following code:
import std.stdio, std.string, std.c.stdlib, std.perf;

int DStdLib(char[] cs)
    int res = 0;    
    for(int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
      res += std.string.atoi(cs);
    return res;

int CStdLib(char* cs)
    int res = 0;    
    for(int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
      res += std.c.stdlib.atoi(cs);    
    return res;

void main()
  auto t = new HighPerformanceCounter();
  int nIter = 5;
  int meanTime = 0;
  for(int it = 0; it <= nIter; ++it) {
    int res = DStdLib("123");
    writefln("D-StdLib: res = ", res, ", ", t.milliseconds() ," ms elapsed ");
    if( it )
      meanTime += t.milliseconds();
  writefln("D-StdLib:" , meanTime/nIter ," ms elapsed (mean).");
  meanTime = 0;
  for(int it = 0; it <= nIter; ++it) {
    int res = CStdLib("123");
    writefln("C-StdLib: res = ", res, ", ", t.milliseconds() ," ms elapsed ");
    if( it )
      meanTime += t.milliseconds();
  writefln("C-StdLib:" , meanTime/nIter ," ms elapsed (mean).");

On my machine (P-M 1.7 Dothan) the mean times are:

D-StdLib:1695 ms elapsed (mean).
C-StdLib:374 ms elapsed (mean).

Why is it so? What could be done?


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