auto storage class - infer or RAII?

Lionello Lunesu lio at
Mon Nov 13 01:02:14 PST 2006

Walter Bright wrote:
> My problem with "var" is the history of the keyword. Back in the olden 
> days, there were two main camps of programmers - the Pascal people, and 
> the C people. Each camp looked with disdain upon the other as "not 
> getting it". The Pascal crowd progressed to Modula 2, Object Pascal, and 
> eventually Delphi. The C family progressed to C++, Java, and D. There 
> didn't seem to be much voluntary mixing up, people would switch camps 
> only under duress.

On the other hand: D is the right language to bridge that gap!

Is there some a priori reason why there are those two groups? Probably 
not, since in the end they want to achieve the same thing: write a 
program to fix a problem.

You're afraid of turning against the C crowd, but the C crowd is exactly 
the group that falls over "auto" meaning two things. In fact, they're 
probably the ones that don't like "auto" meaning anything other than its 
original C meaning. They should in fact be happy with "var" :)


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