Why does Object.opEquals return int

Frits van Bommel fvbommel at REMwOVExCAPSs.nl
Mon Nov 13 12:34:51 PST 2006

Bill Baxter wrote:
>                 Also I you're free to make your own classes return bool 
> from opCmp, it's just Object opCmp that returns int.

[You mean opEquals, of course]

Maybe you forgot that a "bool opEquals" doesn't override Object.opEquals 
:( .
This means that any object ever compared as [1], well, an Object will 
still need to define "int opEquals" or run into a potentially 
hard-to-spot bug.

[1]: or /to/, if your "bool opEquals"'s parameter isn't an Object but 
something else (such as a more derived type, typically that of your class).

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