What's left for 1.0?

Walter Bright newshound at digitalmars.com
Fri Nov 17 23:39:06 PST 2006

Bill Baxter wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>  > C can't do any of those things.
> Sure it can.
>>> * No way to initialize a static array without counting elements
>>>     static byte[???] imageData = [...];   // i hope you like counting!
> C has no problem with this.  I do it all the time:
>        static const unsigned char[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 255 };

True, but that's only because C doesn't have dynamic arrays. In D,

const char[] c = [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 255 ];

works fine, though it's a dynamic array.

>>> * No way to initialize a dynamic array with a known length
>>>     byte[] imageData;  imageData.length = 5;  // two steps - meh
> C has no problem with this (using malloc, its own concept of "dynamic 
> arrays"):
>    byte* imageData = (byte*)malloc(5*sizeof(byte));

D:	auto imageData = new byte[5];

> A better comparison is C++, which has no problem with it's std library 
> vector class:
>    vector<int> imageData(5);

Yah got me there, C++ is one character shorter.

>>> * No way to initialize array of strings
>>>     char[][] list = ["eggs","bacon","milk","break"];  //uh uh
> C can do this:
>     char *list[] = { "eggs","bacon","milk","break" };

So can D:
char *list[] = [ "eggs","bacon","milk","break" ];
char[] list[] = [ "eggs","bacon","milk","break" ];

>>> * No way to initialize non-static struct
>>>     Point p = { x:1.0, y:2.0 };  // nope...not static
> C has no problem with that either:
>     struct Point { float x, y; };
>     void foo() {
>        Point p = {1.0,2.0};
>     }

True. I forgot it could (replacing "Point" with "struct Point").

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