D : Not for me anymore

Derek Parnell derek at nospam.org
Mon Oct 16 02:13:42 PDT 2006

On Mon, 16 Oct 2006 19:02:41 +1000, Anders F Björklund <afb at algonet.se>  

> Derek Parnell wrote:
>> Are you saying that, for example, you would have no problems with  
>> Phobos  being taken from DigitalMars and moved to DSource so that  
>> everyone who  needed to could get to submit changes to the library that  
>> would actually  be applied.
> I'm confused, wasn't this what the Ares project was all about ?

My understanding is that Ares is a replacement for Phobos. An alternative  
to Phobos.

Walter seems to be giving the explicit green-light to take the primary  
responsibility for doing all the coding to Phobos from himself. The way I  
read it now is that Brad could set up a new DSource project called  
'phobos', open it up for read-access for everyone, and svn-commit access  
to 'registered developers', and a small group to be responsible for  
creating downloadable library releases. The documentation could also be  
DSource'd too if Walter doesn't mind submitting the DDOC files he  
currently uses.

I'm sure this community can come up with a workable collabaration on the  
'official' phobos library.

Derek Parnell

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