Anyone interested in a Spirit for D?

Thu Oct 19 09:09:25 PDT 2006

Sorry about that garbald post, lets try that again:

Walter Bright wrote:

 > Bill Baxter wrote:
 >> But given Don's experiments with compile-time text parsing in D, 
it's conceivable that in D the above parser could just be created with:
 >>    r = make_parser("real_number (',' real_number)*");
 >> I.e. use the EBNF version directly in a string literal that gets 
parsed at compile time.
 >> That would be pretty cool.
 > Yes, it would be. But there's a catastrophic problem with it. Spirit 
enables code snippets to be attached to terminals by overloading the [] 
operator. If the EBNF was all in a string literal, this would be impossible.

How about delegate literals for code snipits??

template parse(char[] rulename, char[] rule, T, T delegate(T[]) act)
     // mixin allows this to be used in the scope
     // parse!(rulename)(out T);

     // for rule ==
     // "AssignExpression | AssignExpression ',' Expression",
     // parse!(rulename) expand to something like this

         // mixin a specialization
     bool parse!(rulename)(out T ret)
         T[2] set
         if(T* ret = rule!("AssignExpression")(set[0]))
             ret = act[0](set);
             return true;
         if(rule!("AssignExpression")(set[0]) &&
             ret = act[1](set);
             return true;


///used something like this

class Parser : RootParser
     mixin parse("Expression",
             AssignExpression |
             AssignExpression ',' Expression
         (Expr[] e){return e[0];},
         (Expr[] e){return new Expr(e[0], e[1]);}

     mixin parse("AssignExpression",
             ConditionalExpression |
             ConditionalExpression '=' AssignExpression |
             ConditionalExpression '+=' AssignExpression
         (Expr[] e){return e[0];},
         (Expr[] e){return new AssignExper(e[0], e[1]);},
         (Expr[] e){return new AssignExper(e[0], e[1]);}


//// I've never used mixins so I most likely have something wrong in there

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