Proposal: Implicit type conversion for structs

Jaak jpdt at
Wed Oct 25 08:25:28 PDT 2006


I propose the following extension to structs:

One can define methods for struct T of the type:

   T opImplicitConvert(T2 t)

which allows the implicit conversion of variables of
type T2 to type T.
(the name itself is not important, others possibilities:
  opImpConvFrom, opICast_r, etc.)

A conversion does no make sense if the types T2 and T
are the same, as that can cause an infinite chain
of conversions.

i.e.   T opImplicitConvert(T t)  is illegal

We now get opAssign semantics without breaking
or changing the way assignments currently work.

Example code:

struct Vector {
   float[] elems;


   Vector opImplicitConvert(float[] a)
     Vector v;
     v.elems = a.dup;
     return v;


Vector u, v;

// Current system
u = v;  // Currently OK
u = [1f 2f 3f]; // ERROR

// Proposed system
u = v;  // Still OK
v = [1f 2f 3f]; // OK, as Vector.opImplicitConvert(float[]) exists

Some possible enhancements:

1. A smarter compiler may be able to figure out conversions chains if
a direct conversion is not possible.

MyVector a;
YourVector b;
HisVector c;

// uses Vector.opImpConv(YourVector.opImpConv(HisVector)) if
// Vector.opImpConv(HisVector) does not exist
a = c;

2. If property syntax can be used to add methods to structs, one can do 
the following:

Vector opImplicitConvert(Vector, OtherVector w) {
   Vector t;
   t.elems = w.elems;
   return t;

// Then, variables of type OtherVector can be implicitly
// converted to type Vector. This is especially useful if
// the source implementing the struct Vector is not available.

OtherVector w;
v = w; // expands to v = v.opImplicitConvert(w);

Any comments?


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