Forward referencing templates..

James Dean Palmer james at
Thu Oct 26 10:02:05 PDT 2006

Sean Kelly wrote:
> For what it's worth, Java generics have very little relation to D/C++ 
> templates.  Java generics are basically just some compile-time type 
> checking plus implicit cast operations from Object when reading generic 
> values.  This stands in stark contract to templates which are a 
> compile-time code generation tool.  If forward referencing is the only 
> issue then D compiler changes should be able to address the problem, but 
> if this is really a matter of a circular dependency I think the OP is 
> out of luck.

My gut feeling is it should be representable - somehow.  Whether this is 
a small issue with forward referencing or a larger issue specific to how 
D implements templates I have no idea.


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