doubly-lazy variadics?

Russ Lewis spamhole-2001-07-16 at
Fri Sep 1 09:57:21 PDT 2006

Don Clugston wrote:
> I noticed that DMD 0.166 accepts
> void func(lazy int delegate()[] ...)
> {
> }
> It's not documented -- what does it mean?

I would assume that it takes an expression which evaluates to an array 
of int() delegates, and it turns the expression into a delegate.

   void func(lazy int delegate()[] dg_array_lazy) {
     foreach(int delegate() dg; dg_array_lazy())

   void bar() {
     int delegate()[] array;

     array ~= delegate int() { return 1; }
     array ~= delegate int() { return 2; }

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