Reflection Idea

user at domain.invalid user at domain.invalid
Thu Sep 28 11:28:00 PDT 2006

> FWIW, I have the "dynamically loaded from a supplemental database file" 
> part done.  DDL just uses the map file:
> //reflect.d
> module reflect;
> import ddl.DefaultRegistry;
> import;
> void test(){
>     Stdout.put("Hello DDL World"c).put(CR);
> }
> void main(){
>     auto registry = new DefaultRegistry();
>     auto inSitu = registry.load("");
>     auto testFn = inSitu.getDExport!(void function(),"reflect.test")();
>     testFn();
> }
> It's not as pretty as Java's reflection suite, but IMO, it's only a few 
> wrapper classes away from that level of utility.

Isn't this dynamic binding rather than reflection? I think of reflection 
as the ability to find what the fields and methods are for an object. 
For example, with Java reflection has the following

Class c = someObject.getClass()

Does DDL have the ability to lookup methods and fields? For example, how 
would you determine "reflect.test" without knowing it beforehand?


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