Feature Request: Expose the context pointer of nested classes, please

icee iceelyne at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 07:05:53 PDT 2006

Keyword for direct access of the outer from the inner of nested classes, the 
"context pointer".

Non-static nested classes work by containing an extra hidden member (called 
the context pointer) that

is the frame pointer of the enclosing function if it is nested inside a 
function, or the this of the enclosing

class's instance if it is nested inside a class.
When a non-static nested class is instantiated, the context pointer is 
assigned before the class's

constructor is called, therefore the constructor has full access to the 
enclosing variables.
these words are from the document of D Programming Language.

I know this topic has been discussed some times, but i strongly like feature 
to be added in the future.
I thought it is not reasonable if you can access all members of the outer 
class but not itself from within

the inner class.
Some one suggest the solution of creating a field and assigning this to it 
in the outer ctor:
class Outer {
 Outer ctx;
 class Inner {
  void foo() {
 this() {
but it's not much convenient.

Since the "non-static nested classes work by containing an extra hidden 
member (called the context

pointer)", why not just expose it to us?

""" if we have such a keyword: context / ctx / enclosure / outer or 

here a real example, from my DWT app codes, (that's why i want this?)

class QKDataTab : CTabFolder {

 class ScriptTabItem : CTabItem {
  Text script;
  this(QKDataTab parent) {
   super(parent, DWT.CLOSE);
   setControl(script=new Text(parent,

 /// if we have "enclosure" here, we can rewrite the above as:
 ///class ScriptTabItem : CTabItem {
 /// Text script;
 /// this() {
 ///  super(enclosure, DWT.CLOSE);
 ///  setImage(_app.getIcon("demo"));
 ///  setControl(script=new Text(enclosure,

 /// }
 ///that's much reasonable.

 QKApp _app;

 this(Composite parent, QKApp app) {
  _app = app;
  super(parent, DWT.TOP|DWT.BORDER);
 void initComponents() {

 ScriptTabItem addScriptTabItem(char[] title) {
  ScriptTabItem sti = new ScriptTabItem(this);
  return sti;
 ScriptTabItem getSelectionScript() {
  return cast(ScriptTabItem)getSelection();


some thought?

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