stdio line-streaming revisited

Sean Kelly sean at
Sun Apr 1 17:11:22 PDT 2007

Dave wrote:
> I'd like to suggest this: Distribute both phobos and Tango on equal 
> footing with the D distributions, and have the compiler link both in by 
> default (with a switch to link only one):
> - Walter and David Friedman could automate the build process to grab the 
> latest Tango.
> - Some overlapping areas (like the GC) would have to be resolved somehow 
> (Tango team - how tough would this be?).

The compiler runtime is a logically separate entity in Tango.  Some 
cooperation would be necessary for the development of new back-end 
functionality, etc, but the compiler runtime could theoretically be 
maintained entirely separate from the rest of the library if Walter 
and/or David chose to do so.  That said, updating the Tango runtime for 
new compiler releases is generally fairly straightforward, so a shift in 
responsibility would probably just change the update process rather than 
simplify it.


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