DMD needs branches

Nicolas J. Nicolas.J. at
Sun Apr 15 21:06:19 PDT 2007

Leandro Lucarella Wrote:

> The problem with darcs it's it doesn't scale very well (because of
> implementation issues, they say). I love darcs for small projects, but
> (sadly) it's not really suitable for big ones yet.
> Another great (distributed) SCM is git, done by Linus Tolvards for
> maintaing the Linux kernel (a really big project, as you know, so it
> scales by design).
> -- 
Yes. And in fact, browsing the darcs repository online (which I suppose is managed by darcs) is a pretty painful experience.

git is hardly an option beacuse it is non-portable (it takes advantages of optimizations for the Libux kernel, from what I gather,  so it's not going to be ported soon), and it has some usability issues due to design choices of its author ("renaming files is not important"). I believe mercurial would be a much better option, as it is said to scale very well. And it also has the Clearcase-like merge with history.

Anyway, this is probably not the right moment to continue discussing things like this.

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