Phobos vs Tango! What's your opinion?

Gregor Richards Richards at
Tue Apr 17 13:48:37 PDT 2007

Bradley Smith wrote:
> Dan wrote:
>> Fortunately, we have both libraries available for D, and I think the 
>> duality is definitely conducive to the language's development.  I can 
>> also say that it hasn't been a problem by virtue of the fact that a 
>> program may use *either* library *or* both according to your preferences.
> Both? How do you use both Phobos and Tango in one program? I thought 
> they were incompatible.

At their core, they are incompatible, because their implementations of 
Object and such are incompatible.

There is an almost-existent library, tangobos, that allows most Phobos 
software to compile over Tango. I'm going to get that released properly 
Any Day Now [tm]. (It exists, but I'm very busy today, don't have time 
to do everything)

  - Gregor Richards

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