Will macros just be syntactic sugar?

Davidl Davidl at 126.com
Wed Apr 25 02:26:27 PDT 2007

macro macroname(Token... tokens)
      static if (tokens[0].ID != Token.LParen)
	pragma(error, `( expected`);
      else static if (tokens[1].ID != Token.Identifier)
         pragma(error, `identifer expected`);
      else static if (tokens[2].ID != Token.RParen)
         pragma(error, ) expected`);
      else static if (tokens[3].toChars != `:=`)
         pragma(error, `:= expected`);
      static if (tokens[4].ID != Token.LBracket)
	pragma(error, `( expected`);
      else static if (tokens[5].ID != Token.Identifier)
         pragma(error, `identifer expected`);
      else static if (tokens[6].ID != Token.RBracket)
         pragma(error, ) expected`);
      else static if (tokens[7].ID != Token.Identifier)
         pragma(error, `identifer expected`);
      else static if (tokens[8].ID != Token.plus)
         pragma(error, `+ operator expected`);
      else static if (tokens[9].ID != Token.Identifier)
         pragma(error, `identifer expected`);
      alias token[1] arg0;
      alias token[5] arg1;
      alias token[7] arg2;
      alias token[9] arg3;
      arg0[arg1] = arg2 + arg3;

caller could call the macro with :

macroname(arg0)[arg1] := arg2 + arg3;

macroname here is used for simplify the parsing.

> macro (Token... tokens)
> {
>      static if (tokens[0].ID != Token.LParen)
> 	pragma(error, `( expected`);
>      else static if (tokens[1].ID != Token.Identifier)
>         pragma(error, `identifer expected`);
>      else static if (tokens[2].ID != Token.RParen)
>         pragma(error, ) expected`);
>      else static if (tokens[3].toChars != `:=`)
>         pragma(error, `:= expected`);
>      static if (tokens[4].ID != Token.LBracket)
> 	pragma(error, `( expected`);
>      else static if (tokens[5].ID != Token.Identifier)
>         pragma(error, `identifer expected`);
>      else static if (tokens[6].ID != Token.RBracket)
>         pragma(error, ) expected`);
>      else static if (tokens[7].ID != Token.Identifier)
>         pragma(error, `identifer expected`);
>      else static if (tokens[8].ID != Token.plus)
>         pragma(error, `+ operator expected`);
>      else static if (tokens[9].ID != Token.Identifier)
>         pragma(error, `identifer expected`);
>      alias token[1] arg0;
>      alias token[5] arg1;
>      alias token[7] arg2;
>      alias token[9] arg3;
>      arg0[arg1] = arg2 + arg3;
> }
>  seems the above is more valuable.

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