New Macro Syntax Proposal

Davidl Davidl at
Wed Apr 25 19:52:05 PDT 2007

Obviously the one I posted yesterday is not easy for IDE to highlight  
sub-language set
and also it lacks the power of parse different sub-language expressions. I  
think the
goal of macro should be powerful enough to introduce a new sub language.  
Then the macro
itself could be called mature.
Consider the following

macro MyPowerfulMacro = CODEGEN //indicate the backend gen code output  
KeyWordList(CASE_INSENSITIVE)	// this is for IDE highlight
//the design here doesn't pollute keyword we have now, KeyWordList,  
Expression Backend all only take effect in macro expression
    object, TOKEN.object,
    end,    TOKEN.end,
    expdeclare ::= EXP.expdeclare(objid, objattr[])
	TOKEN.object {( TOKEN.identifier:objid TOKEN.identifier:~objattr  
TOKEN.colon TOKEN.object)
		| (EXP.expdeclare:objexp)  } TOKEN.end

Backend EXP.expdeclare(objid, objattr[])
	CODEGEN ~= class "~objid.strinof)~"{;
		CODEGEN ~= "class "~k.stringof~"{}"
	CODEGEN ~= "}"


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