Proposition for change in D regarding Inheriting overloaded methods

Manfred Nowak svv1999 at
Tue Aug 7 12:17:59 PDT 2007

Walter Bright wrote
> closes all the known hijacking issues.

If accessing data declared private in another not imported module can 
be called hijacking there is at least one more issue:

Defining a Base class:

module def;
class Base{int i;}

and defining a Derived class with some operations and some private data 

module def2;
import std.stdio;
import def;
class Derived:Base{
  int hidden=41;  // foreign access possible
  void process( inout Base p){
    scope d= new Derived;
    d.hidden= 666;
    p= d; // no upcast needed
  void read( Base p){
    scope d= cast(Derived)p;  //downcast needed
    assert( d !is null);
    writefln( "def2:", d.hidden);

and having a module that does some work:

module mod;
private import std.stdio, def, def2;
void process( inout Base p){
  scope d= new Derived;
  d.process= p; // stores Base, drops Derived
  // do something with d?
void read( Base p){
  scope d= new Derived; p; // drops Derived
  // do something with d?

the following claim is currently (dmd.1.016,win32) true::

! One can access the `private' data `hidden' defined in `module def2'
! by having access only to sources of `module def' and `module mod'.  

This are about 25 LOC and if D is indeed designed to support auditing 
well, it should be easy to spot that leak.


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