Private classes?

Nathan Reed nathaniel.reed at
Tue Aug 21 01:20:49 PDT 2007


I'm not sure if this is the appropriate mailing list on which to post this, so please tell me if it's not.

I have been playing around with D in the last few days and found that there doesn't seem to be any way to hide a class in a module using 'private'.  For example, using the DMD version 2.003, the following compiles without errors:

module A;
private class Foo
module B;
import A;
auto f = new Foo;    // expected: error, Foo is private

If A has a privately declared *variable* and I try to access it from B, I get the expected error.

The same thing happens with inner classes; the following compiles without errors:

class Foo
    private class Bar
auto f = new Foo;
auto b = Bar;   // expected: error, Bar is private

Now, I can't find anyplace in the D spec where it says that 'private' ought to work on I suppose this isn't technically a bug.  However, it seems like the sort of thing that one ought to be able to do.

Nathan Reed

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