DSSS and multiple intermingled environments

Gregor Richards Richards at codu.org
Tue Aug 28 11:27:11 PDT 2007

BCS wrote:
> Reply to Gregor,
>> Also, you don't need to (nor even can you) host it on some
>> DSSS-specific host. DSSS' net system just has a list of upstream
>> sources. It needs this "central point of failure" because that's where
>> it aggregates information about module-library relationships. That
>> aggregation is why you can do `dsss net deps` without specifying
>> library dependencies - they're specified by your imports.
>> So, the solution would be to just have an alternate source list. This
>> is like yum, apt-get, etc (except that those usually can't live
>> separately from the actual source).
> So what would it take to let the user play with the list of servers that 
> 'dsss net ...' starts looking at?
>> - Gregor Richards

I'm not sure which of two questions you're asking here (which isn't 
surprising since the net architecture is a bit complicated), so I'll 
just answer both:

So what would it take to let the user play with the default list of 
sources from which `dsss net` will download libraries?

Just register at http://dsss.codu.org/ and tell me what project you need 
access to.

So what would it take to let the user use a different list of sources 
from which `dsss net` will download libraries?

Currently you can only specify one at a time, but the --source option 
exists for this purpose.

  - Gregor Richards

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