Compile time loop unrolling

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at
Wed Aug 29 03:17:51 PDT 2007

I've done loop unrolling in a few places using Tuples and foreach.

template Tuple(T...) { alias T Tuple; }

template Range(uint n)
    static if( n == 0 )
        alias Tuple!() Range;
        alias Tuple!(Range!(n-1), n-1) Range;

void copy_four(int[] src, int[] dst)
    foreach( i,_ ; Range!(4) )
        src[i] = dst[i];

Which *should* unroll the loop.  Note that I haven't checked the
assembly to make sure of this, but since it works when you have tuples
inside the loop, I'd assume that it would have to :)

	-- Daniel

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