Const Ideas

Craig Black cblack at
Mon Dec 3 10:30:39 PST 2007

> "C const c" -> c is a pointer that cannot be reassigned, but you can 
> modify its members.


> This violates transitivity, the property that you cannot follow a series 
> of const pointers/references and end up with something mutable. It is also 
> useful, but it isn't useful as a public interface sort-of-thing; it's 
> useful at a relatively small scope. Which is why Walter hasn't implemented 
> it; he doesn't see enough of a benefit yet.

If that is correct, then transitivity just seems like an artificial 
restriction for no reason.  It's not like we are violating some fundamental 
law here.  I still don't see a good reason  not to allow "C const c" syntax. 
To me, it's straightforward.  However, it may complicate the compiler 
implementation.  I wouldn't know. 

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