How about "inline" for manifest constants?

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Mon Dec 10 01:14:31 PST 2007

Janice Caron wrote:
> On Dec 10, 2007 7:18 AM, Robert Fraser <fraserofthenight at> wrote:
>> Anyways, it's a good idea.
> Isn't this exactly the same idea as
>     enum int x = 3;
> but with "inline" instead of "enum"? Aren't we done arguing over what
> the word should be?

The idea is: if we're going to change the meaning of enum completely why 
not just replace it with a different word that describes the entirety of 
it's new job and phase out the word "enum".  That way there's no net 
increase in keywords but we get a more descriptive language.

> I think we should just go with Craig's wildebeest idea! :-)

I think inline is a pretty good suggestion.  And inline(enum) could be 
used to trigger enumeration behavior.

But it'll never happen.


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