WYSIWYG string still limited

Kirk McDonald kirklin.mcdonald at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 14:41:24 PST 2007

Swer wrote:
> "Kirk McDonald" <kirklin.mcdonald at gmail.com> Swer wrote:
>>>The D 2.x series has already added a few new forms of string literals,
>>including delimited strings. They look like this:
>>q"(foo(xxx))"   // "foo(xxx)"
>>q"[foo{]"       // "foo{"
>>q"/foo"bar/"    // "foo\"bar"
> hmm thats still not enough, and complex for compiler to implement. I 
> modified my poposal as below:

The compiler already has implemented them. Also, I've written the D 
lexer in Pygments (which supports them) and implemented highlighting for 
these new string literals in vim. They are not particularly hard to 

> const char [] code_demo = {{anystr{
>  q"(foo(xxx))"   // "foo(xxx)"
>  q"[foo{]"       // "foo{"
>  q"/foo"bar/"    // "foo\"bar"
> }anystr}}
> or
> const char [] code_demo = {{{
>  q"(foo(xxx))"   // "foo(xxx)"
>  q"[foo{]"       // "foo{"
>  q"/foo"bar/"    // "foo\"bar"
> }}}
> if there is no }}} in text.
> 'anystr' can be replaced to any string you like. '{{'  '}}'  '{{{'  '}}}' 
> are easier for compiler to detect.

If you'd bothered looking at the docs, you'd have seen that there are 
other forms of string literals which I did not mention. There are token 

  q"(foo(xxx))"   // "foo(xxx)"
  q"[foo{]"       // "foo{"
  q"/foo"bar/"    // "foo\"bar"

These have the caveat that they can only contain valid D tokens.

There are also heredoc strings, which are really just a kind of 
delimited string:

This is a string. It can contain anything.

IDENT may be any identifier. The newlines after the opening identifier 
and before the closing one are required.

Kirk McDonald
Pyd: Connecting D and Python

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