compile-time regex redux

Chris Nicholson-Sauls ibisbasenji at
Wed Feb 7 13:27:03 PST 2007

Bill Baxter wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> String mixins, in order to be useful, need an ability to manipulate 
>> strings at compile time. Currently, the core operations on strings 
>> that can be done are:
>> 1) indexed access
>> 2) slicing
>> 3) comparison
>> 4) getting the length
>> 5) concatenation
>> Any other functionality can be built up from these using template 
>> metaprogramming.
>> The problem is that parsing strings using templates generates a large 
>> number of template instantiations, is (relatively) very slow, and 
>> consumes a lot of memory (at compile time, not runtime). For example, 
>> ParseInteger would need 4 template instantiations to parse 5678, and 
>> each template instantiation would also include the rest of the input 
>> as part of the template instantiation's mangled name.
>> At some point, this will prove a barrier to large scale use of this 
>> feature.
>> Andrei suggested using compile time regular expressions to shoulder 
>> much of the burden, reducing parsing of any particular token to one 
>> instantiation.
> That would help I suppose, but at the same time regexps themselves have 
> a tendancy to end up being 'write-only' code.  The heavy use of them in 
> perl is I think a large part of what gives it a rep as a write-only 
> language.   Heh heh.  I just found this regexp for matching RFC 822 
> email addresses:
> (the one at the bottom of the page)
> --bb

Wow... I'm actually missing hair now just from trying to read that.  My internal regexp 
engine crashed, too -- had a neural buffer overflow.

-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls

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