make (a < b < c) illegal?

Lionello Lunesu lio at
Wed Feb 7 23:16:27 PST 2007

Walter Bright wrote:
> Right now, in D (as well as C and C++), when you see the expression:
>     if (a < b < c)
> what is your first thought? Mine is that it was written by a newbie who 
> didn't realize that (a < b) returns true or false, and that it does NOT 
> mean ((a < b) && (b < c)). 

So your first thought, the newbie's first thought and my first thought 
all agree: it means a<b && b<c

As was pointed out already, let's make it that way. Adding these chained 
comparisons improves readability* and adds another popular feature from 
scripting languages.


* compare with: if (a < b && c > b)

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