DWT problem with dmd >= 1.004

torhu fake at address.dude
Fri Feb 9 19:08:08 PST 2007

When compiling DWT apps with dmd 1.004 and 1.005, I get an error.  There 
is no problem with dmd 1.0 and earlier.  The problem is seen with the 
test_rowlayout.d example that comes with dwt.

This is the command line used:
dmd test_rowlayout.d -release -O -L/subsystem:windows:5 dwt.lib 
advapi32.lib comctl32.lib gdi32.lib shell32.lib comdlg32.lib ole32.lib 
phobos.lib user32_dwt.lib imm32_dwt.lib shell32_dwt.lib msimg32_dwt.lib 
usp10_dwt.lib gdi32_dwt.lib kernel32_dwt.lib olepro32_dwt.lib 
oleaut32_dwt.lib oleacc_dwt.lib uuid.lib -version=OLE_COM

This is the error:
Error 42: Symbol Undefined 

The same error results if you compile with this command line:
build test_rowlayout.d -gui -clean -release -O -Xdwt -version=OLE_COM

The trick is to remove -Xdwt from the command line, which makes build 
recompile dwt itself.  But doing this every time you compile your app is 
slow.  It makes the executable bigger, too.

Is this a compiler bug, dwt bug, or just some unfortunate incompatibility?

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