Compile time function execution...

BCS ao at
Thu Feb 15 13:07:07 PST 2007

Reply to Walter,

> BCS wrote:
>> I think the issue is where compile time and runtime are both allowed,
>> but makes a *BIG* difference in performance.
> Right, which is why compile time execution is only done in contexts
> where it would otherwise error, such as in initialization of global
> constants.

Hmm, so compile time evaluation is lazy, not greedy? That makes me want a 
cast(const) to force it in some cases

char[] CTwritef(...)

const char[] message = CTwritef(">>%s:%d foobar", __FILE__, __LINE__+1);


log(cast(const)CTwritef(">>%s:%d foobar", __FILE__, __LINE__+1));

or best of all, why no have it greedy?

log(CTwritef(">>%s:%d foobar", __FILE__, __LINE__+1));

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