Windows and piped stdin...?

Jascha Wetzel "[firstname]" at
Sun Feb 18 03:35:26 PST 2007

the problem appears to be in the c runtime that's used via std.c.stdio.
i worked around this by using win32 api directly:

 * Wraps win32 stdio functions. Respects io redirection into pipes.
class DbgIO
	static HANDLE ddb_read, ddb_write;
	static char[] buffer;

	static this()
		ddb_read = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
		ddb_write = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

	static char[] readln()
		char[128] buf;
		uint read;

		int nl_index;
			ReadFile(ddb_read, buf.ptr, buf.length, &read, null);
			buffer ~= buf[];
			nl_index = find(buffer, '\n');
		} while ( nl_index < 0 );
		char[] ret = buffer[0..nl_index];
		buffer = buffer[nl_index+1..$];
		return ret;

	static void print(...)
		char[] str;

		void putc(dchar c)
			str ~= c;

		doFormat(&putc, _arguments, _argptr);
		uint written;
		WriteFile(ddb_write, str.ptr, str.length, &written, null);

	static void println(...)
		char[] str;

		void putc(dchar c)
			str ~= c;

		doFormat(&putc, _arguments, _argptr);
		uint written;
		str ~= '\n';
		WriteFile(ddb_write, str.ptr, str.length, &written, null);

alex wrote:
> No, sorry, it is NEVER working, not with "main.exe < input file" nor with just "main.exe" and putting some text manually in (end with ^Z).... It really seems that no EOF is sent on windows stdin....?
> any ideas?
> alex

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