Mixins and comments

Ary Manzana ary at esperanto.org.ar
Wed Feb 21 12:48:38 PST 2007

One use of mixins could be generating classes with methods and variables 
from a string definition (for example, to represent a table in a 
database, or an AST node in some language). In most languages this is 
done in two steps: some program generates the file and then it's 
compiled (*); in D it's done in one step.

However, in (*) the generated code usually includes documentation. In D 
currently this is not possible:

template GenStruct(char[] Name, char[] M1)
     const char[] GenStruct =
         "/** This comment for " ~ Name ~ " is invisible */"
         ~ "struct " ~ Name ~ "{ int " ~ M1 ~ "; }";

class S {
	/** This comment is visible */
	struct M {

	// No comment for the generated struct Foo
	mixin(GenStruct!("Foo", "bar", "var"));


Is there any chance this could work in the future?

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