Why can't static functions be virtual

John McAuley john_mcauley at bigfoot.com
Tue Jan 16 15:52:28 PST 2007

I was going to ask why they weren't virtual.

I wrote this:

  class CBase
    static void hello()
      printf("hello from CBase\n");

  class CDerived : CBase
    static void hello()
      printf("hello from CDerived\n");

  void main()
    CDerived derived = new CDerived;
    CBase base  = derived;
    base.hello(); // prints Hello from CBase
    void function() fn;
    fn = &CDerived.hello;
    fn =&base.hello; // compiler error

Are statics non-virtual because that's the way c++ does it?

Surely the compiler can see base.hello() and then:

* look up the CBase class definition to find hello
* get its index in the vtable and note that it is static
* dereference base to get the CDerived vtable
* get the address that corresponds to hello
* call hello without passing base as a secret this pointer

Its the same sequence of steps as for a non-static virtual. The only difference is that you don't pass base as a hidden parameter. The difference is how parameters are passed on the stack.

Then when the compiler sees:

   fn = &base.hello;

It does the same vtable lookup and assigns the found address to fn because statics don't need the 'secret this pointer'.

I expected that &base.hello would be equivalent to &CDerived.hello

and that &derived.CBase.hello would be equivalent to &CBase.hello just as derived.CBase.hello() prints "Hello from CBase"

Anyway, the question is: why doesn't D do this? Why the distinction between static members and non-static members?

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