Why can't static functions be virtual

John McAuley john_mcauley at bigfoot.com
Wed Jan 17 00:34:22 PST 2007

Bill Baxter Wrote:

> I think there is a usage case for a function that acts virtual when 
> called with an object instance, but static when called with just the 
> class name.


> It almost seems like you should be able to achieve it by just defining 
> two versions of the method:
>      foo() { ... }
>      static foo() { ... }
> If you think of the non-static version as having a hidden 'this' 
> parameter, those two are not ambiguous according to standard overloading 
> rules.
> On the other hand, you can pretty easily just make two versions of the 
> function to achieve much the same thing, and just have the virtual 
> version call the static version.
>      static Foo() {}
>      foo() { Foo(); }
> Then if you have an object instance you can call inst.foo() and 
> otherwise you can call Klass.Foo().
> --bb

I've done something similar in c++

class CFoo : public CBase
   static const wchar_t *StaticTag()
      static const wchar_t tag[] = L"foo";
      return tag;
   static CBase *StaticCreate()
      return new CFoo;

   virtual const wchar_t *VirtualTag() { return StaticTag(); }
   virtual CBase VirtualCreate() { return StaticCreate(); }

I was reading xml and creating a tree of objects with the aid of a factory that had an STL map that mapped string to object creator.

You would register with the factory using:
   pFactory->Register(CFoo::StaticTag(), CFoo::StaticCreator);

I had a GUI that made new nodes like this:

   CFoo *pFoo = CFoo::StaticCreator();

So far we are using statics, but when I want to write the tree back to xml I need virtuals.

void WriteXml(CBase *pRoot)
   printf("<%s>\n", pRoot->VirtualTag());

   // foreach child of pRoot

   printf("<\\%s>\n", pRoot->VirtualTag());

It worked but I had about 30 node types in a single schema and I had several schemas. I don't like the extra baggage of declaring separate static and virtual versions just because the language doesn't have virtual statics. (Evil C style macros to the rescue :-) )

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