Const template

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at
Mon Jan 22 04:46:10 PST 2007

Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) wrote:
> Frits van Bommel wrote:
>> You didn't respond to my paragraph on classes though:
>> Frits van Bommel wrote:
>>  > I also don't see a way this can work for classes (in general). There's
>>  > no way to limit a non-final method to non-mutating operations that I'm
>>  > aware of, so it could easily be circumvented by subclassing. Even 
>> though
>>  > that would only allow direct access to non-private fields, mutating 
>> base
>>  > class methods could still be called for the rest (if available). So 
>> then
>>  > the only way to get a const version of a class would be if the class
>>  > doesn't allow mutations anyway (like java's String). Which leaves us
>>  > right back where we started :(.
>>  >
>>  > And I don't think a 'const' implementation should work for structs and
>>  > not for classes...
> I did when I wrote:
>  >> That is correct. Interface functions, nonfinal methods, and
>  >> declared-only functions must be annotated manually.
> I meant - yes, you are right.
> Today, Walter and myself have come with a semantics for const (as in, 
> "read-only view" that) seems to be a good starting point. The details 
> are yet to be ironed out, but here's the basic plot:

So the keyword for the "read-only view" will be 'const' too? It will 
share space with the 'const' as in "compile time constant" ?

> * const is a unary type constructor (takes a type, returns a type)
> * const is always transitive, meaning that once a value is const, the 
> entire part of the world accessible through that value is const as well. 
> This distances D from C++'s shallow view of const (only one level).
> * const is not removable legally via a cast. But the compiler must 
> assume in the general case that a const view may alias with a modifiable 
> view. This is a weak point of the design. The hope is that in most cases 
> the compiler will easily prove non-aliasing and can do a good job at 
> optimizing based on const. Example: all pure functions don't care about 
> aliasing to start with.
> * Shallow const is achievable via final. Final only means a value is not 
> supposed to be changed, but anything reachable through it can be mutated.

So are we going to use the 'final' keyword for that? That's good since 
it clears up the overloaded meaning of 'const' in current D. (used both 
for compile time constants and final)

> * The syntax for manually-annotated const is:
> struct Widget
> {
>   void Foo(const)(int i) { ... }
> }
> This is in the spirit of current D, because Foo can be seen as a 
> specialization for a subset of Widget types.
> * If you do want to make Foo a template, it's:
> struct Widget
> {
>   void Foo(const, T)(T i) { ... }
> }
> * D avoids the issue of duplicated function bodies in the following way:
> struct Widget
> {
>   storageof(this) int* Foo(storageof(this))(int i) { ... }
> }

Hum, "storageof"? Shouldn't the name be different, since these aren't 
really storage classes?

> This code transports whatever storage 'this' has to the result type. 
> More involved type computations are allowed because inside Foo, 
> typeof(this) includes the storage class. Effectively Foo above is a 
> template.
> * Constructors and destructors can figure the storage class of the 
> object being constructed. This is useful for selecting different 
> allocation strategies for immutable vs. mutable objects:
> class Widget
> {
>   this(int i) { ... }
>   this(const)(int i) { ... }
>   ~this() { ... }
>   ~this(const)() { ... }
> }
> Const cdtors can obviously mutate the object being cdted. In a cdtor, 
> 'const' is not enforced -- it's just an information for the programmer.

Whoa, huh? What's the meaning of a const constructor or of a const 
destructor? How would they even be invoked?

> * Walter sustains that given the above, there will never be a need to 
> overload member functions based on const. I disagree, but I couldn't 
> come up with a salient example. Besides, I don't care that much because 
> the semantics above do allow telling const from nonconst, just in a 
> roundabout way.
> Andrei

Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student

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