sorting arrays of strings, deleting items from array...

Bill Lear rael at
Mon Jan 22 18:01:12 PST 2007

I have a map of sha1 values to file names, thus:

    char[][][char[]] sha_map;

I would like to loop over the values of the map, and print
the file names that are duplicates, sort of like this:

    foreach (key; sha_map.keys) {
        auto file_names = sha_map[key];

        // if only one file name, it is unique, so skip it
        if (file_names.length <= 1) continue;

        // sort file names by criteria that place the file
        // to retain at the front of the array.

        sort(file_names, retain_criteria_comparator());

        foreach (i, file_name; file_names) {
            if (i == 0) continue;

But I'm at a loss how to do the sort I would like.  Any advice would
be appreciated.

r * e * @ * o * y * a * c * m
* a * l * z * p * r * . * o *

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