Holy Win32 Voids, Batman!

kris foo at bar.com
Tue Jan 23 12:31:10 PST 2007

W00t! Poll Time!

All you Win32 developers out there -- how do you feel about marking all 
instances of Win32 structs like so:

POINT p = void;
TV_ITEM tv = void;
TEXTMETRIC tm = void;

ensuring that there is an "= void;" affixed to each decl? If you're all 
happy with that, we can eliminate those issues with Win32 bloat without 
a fix from Walter. Woohoo!

All those in favour please say 'aye'. All those not in favour say 'nae'.

Those in favour of a true fix say nothing at all -- that way, we can 
truthfully assert most ppl want a real fix instead ;)

(see related posts also)

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