seeding the pot for 2.0 features

BCS ao at
Tue Jan 23 14:17:09 PST 2007

Reply to kris,

> Hrm, I may be a dolt but the above looks like greek -- I have no idea,
> at first glance, what the heck it does -- that's an important concern
> for the target audience, surely? Actually, what is the target audience
> for D? Specifically? Perhaps that's a good place to start :)
> Other than that, my suggestions for 2.0 would be to fix the problems
> in 1.0. The dreaded mixin noted above is a case in point. How about
> /removing/ that broken macro-expansion feature for 2.0 :D
> (somewhat tongue-in-cheek)

The basic idea that spawned the suggestion was to have a template class that 
implements an arbitrary interface and provides the functionality to transport 
it across a network connection. Given an interface.

interface I
 int foo();

 A server side program would do something like this.

class C : I
 int foo()
  static int i = 0;
  return i++;

ServeInterface!(I)(new C);

and the client would do this:

auto ref = new ConnectInterface!(I)("",port);


thus getting access to the C on the server.

I have written a code generator to do this but is is vary painful to work 

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