static arrays.

Dave Dave_member at
Mon Jan 29 20:37:18 PST 2007

Static ("rectangular") multi-dim arrays can perform pretty well - until you start passing them 
around as function parameters.

Two ways to get around that would be to wrap the arrays with a UDT passed byref, or use ptr params, 
with ptr's being much more intuitive for most applications of static arrays (IMO).

Attached is a matrix multiplication program ported to D from the original Shootout Delphi version (*).

The Delphi program has much cleaner syntax. For example, D pointer param dereferencing would be 
(*m1)[a][b] = (*m2)[c][d] * (*m3)[e][f] .

For me this begs the question: Why aren't D static arrays passed byref (**)?

(**) static array params cannot be 'inout'.


- Dave
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